David Bewick has been a cardiologist for 33 years and is on staff at the New Brunswick Heart Center, Horizon Health Network, Saint John, New Brunswick. He completed his B.Sc. Honours and residency in Internal Medicine and Cardiology at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
He currently is an associate professor of medicine and medical director of the Cardiac Health and Wellness clinic and Heart Function clinic and the American Cardiology College Governor for the Atlantic Provinces.
Dr. Bewick has received a number of awards including the national Canadian Society of Echocardiography Achievement Award, Canadian Cardiovascular Society Recognition of Service, on the editorial board for several years of the Canadian Journal of Cardiology reviewing over 100 submissions and received Outstanding Reviewer status, Wayne Putman Award in Atlantic Canada for “Excellence in Teaching” and the Dr. Garfield Moffatt Medal for “Excellence in patient care, community leadership and medical education.”
Dr. Bewick belongs to a number of societies including the Alpha Omega Honors society, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Canadian Society of Echocardiography, Canadian Medical Society, Atlantic Cardiovascular Society, American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, American College of Physicians and American Society of Echocardiography.
He is an active member of the scientific program planning committee for the Canadian Cardiovascular Society national meeting for many years and is the chairman of the annual “Year in Review” symposium, one of the highest attending sessions at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. He is an active presenter and session chair at the national annual Canadian Society of Echocardiography meeting and is the founding member and chairman for the annual New Brunswick Heart Symposium, the 2nd largest cardiology educational program in Canada and currently in its 29th year.
Dr. Bewick is board certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology (FRCP) and is an active fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP) and American College of Cardiology (FACC). He is actively involved in teaching medical students, interns and residents and has done over 300 presentations locally, provincially and nationally. To contact Dr. Bewick, you can phone (506) 633-2099.